Children in NJ who participate in certain sports and need corrective lenses will be required to wear sports protective eyewear.
- This law effects children birth to 12th grade
- Sports include — racquetball, squash, tennis, women’s lacrosse, basketball, women’s field hockey, badminton, paddleball, soccer, volleyball, baseball or softball, sponsored by a school, community or government agency
- This law effects children who wear prescription glasses
- This law does not effect children that do not wear prescription glasses or children who wear contact lenses
- This law simply outlaws “street eyewear”, or regular standard glasses, from the playing fields
- Protect your eyes during sports. Every 13 minutes a person in the United States goes to an emergency room with a sports related eye injury and 90% are preventable according to Prevent Blindness America
- This law was developed by the Coalition to Prevent Sports Eye Injuries at
- View the law online :
Moorestown Eye stocks multiple brands of prescription sports goggles…many of which have a “cool” sunglass like look that kids don’t mind wearing!!
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