The Dry Eye Clinic at Moorestown Eye uses the latest in diagnostic testing to ensure the right diagnosis and treatment plan to maximize your vision, protect your eye health, and maximize your comfort. A typical initial dry eye evaluation takes about 30 to 45 minutes of specialized pain-free testing which includes:
TearLab osmolarity testing
Anterior segment biomicroscopy and photography
Inflammadry MMP9 testing
Corneal staining evaluation
In general, these tests are approved by medical insurance but are subject to whatever copays or deductibles your plan may have. Our doctors can quantitatively monitor disease severity and can intervene early in the disease process. In certain cases, the doctors may order blood work if a systemic disease linked to dry eye is suspected.
Treatment involves prescription and non-prescription eye drops, oral supplements, punctual plugs, oral antibiotics, laser therapies, bandage amniotic membranes, and blood serum eye drops in severe cases. Your specific treatment is based on the results of your dry eye evaluation and close monitoring of your tear osmolarity through repeated Tear Lab analysis.
With a dry eye evaluation, we can determine if you are a level 1 through level 4 dry eye patient and what treatment option may be best for you based on the International Task Force and Dry Eye Workshop study findings. It's important to note that dry eye is a progressive disease that can be sight threatening-the earlier you address this problem the better your long-term prognosis to maintain clear comfortable vision throughout your life!
LipiScan: Precise Diagnosis of MGD
Your eye doctor will perform a thorough clinical exam to diagnose MGD, and the revolutionary LipiScan device upgrades the diagnosis with high definition imaging technology.
LipiScan, from Johnson & Johnson Vision, enables your eye care specialist to view the health of your meibomian glands with optimum accuracy. This diagnostic tool has changed the way medicine diagnoses dry eye syndrome. With efficiency and versatility, LipiScan is a small and lightweight device with a comfortable patient experience. Quick and painless, the procedure takes about one minute to image both lower eyelids.
How does LipiScan work?
Your eye doctor will use LipiScan to assess the structure of your meibomian glands. With dynamic surface illumination and adaptive transillumination technologies, the device creates a fast and intuitive image of your glands. LipiScan generates a multidimensional view that is clear and easy for your doctor to analyze.
With this new equipment, the cause of dry eye can be identified with high accuracy. Consequently, your eye doctor can now prescribe the most appropriate treatment possible to alleviate your painful dry eye symptoms.
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