Moorestown Eye is a National DRY EYE CENTER of EXCELLENCE
We are proud to be one of the few local dry eye clinics that have obtained specialized testing and advanced education in ocular surface/dry eye disease. Our office began to emphasize the treatment of this bothersome disease when Dr. Kimberly Friedman began to suffer from it herself. Dry eye is more than just dry feeling eyes! It often causes blurred vision and can actually have vision-threatening results if not treated! If you have the symptoms below, you may be one of the over 30 million people that suffer with dry eye syndrome.
- stinging
- burning
- scratchy sensation
- sensitivity to light
- tears running down your cheeks
- tired eyes
- difficulty wearing contact lenses
- blurred vision or fluctuating vision, often worsening at the end of the day or after visually focusing for a prolonged period on a computer or tablet
Dry eye is one of the most under-diagnosed ocular diseases, and yet it is the most common reason why patients go see their eye care professional. Many people mistake the dry eye symptoms for allergies, climatic conditions or just "eyestrain". Learn more with this video:
Dr. Kimberly Friedman became interested in dry eye disease when she began to be bothered by dry, blurry, uncomfortable eyes herself. Since then she has completed extensive training in ocular surface disorders and actually lectures throughout the country teaching other doctors and their staff about the importance of treating dry eye disease early before it can have vision-threatening results!
She, along with Dr. David Kong has helped even the most severe dry eye patients when other doctors have told them that nothing more could be done.
Our staff has also completed extensive training on tear testing not available at most offices so we can craft a treatment program specific to your individual tear chemistry. Every day, new patients to our office tell us that they feel as though their previous eye doctors didn’t really address their concerns about dry eyes, red eyes, or vision that fluctuates with the blink.
At Moorestown Eye Associates, we can get to the bottom of those symptoms and help stabilize your comfort and your vision.
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